Footbal games
- My Football Club (PC)
- My Football Club, GoFC (PSP)
- This Is Football Manager (Zeus)
Mobile games
QuizQuizQuiz, QQQ Xmas, Quiz Plus (PC, iOS, Android, Mac?)
Updates, ports, expansions and bug fixes.
Tic Toc Body Pop (iOS, Android, PC)
International Cricket Captain 2011 (iOS, Mac)
Once, I released this to the app store and it would crash immediately. Luckily I was able to fix the issue and have it released while out for lunch with the team.
PC and Wii games
CleverKids 2 (Wii ?/PC)
A budget educational game.
Proof of Concepts (or abandoned)
BigFest (Zeus/PSP) - POC
This is the type of game I’ve always wanted to be apart of. An isometric business simulation game. It was never meant to be.
Z (PSP and PC) - POC
This project was very cool. I got to read some of the original assembly code. I read a comment about the trees changing around Xmas. I couldn’t read the assembly so I didn’t figure out the particulars.