Football Director (2008)

This may have been the second game that I could physically place in the palm of my hand. The project was like an onion; it came with layers that made you cry. No, not really. But it definitely wasn’t a simple port. I’m still not sure how they fit the entire database of teams into 4 megabytes of RAM!? Something to do with bit storage… Youtube Trailer

June 5, 2024 · Edward Addley

Mr. Men (2013)

I took over this proof-of-concept when I started at Mindshapes. I believe it was used in a proposal to win work. The idea was that you would see a 2d world with depth. The user could navigate around the world by dragging left or right. The world would loop once you get past a certain distance. The world was filled with activities for the Mr. Men and Little Miss’. The characters when picked up and dropped on an activity would perform an animation, sound effect or be transported around the world....

June 5, 2024 · Edward Addley

My Story World (2013)

Bug fixes

June 5, 2024 · Edward Addley

Puzzler Collection (2008)

This may have been the first ever game that I could physically place in the palm of my hand. I bought the Nintendo DS release soon after it was released. I still can’t believe that I contributed to a game released as a cartidge. I vaguely rememeber working on different aspects of the different game modes and the usual bug fixes. Youtube: Wii Trailers

June 5, 2024 · Edward Addley

Top Trumps Football - Abandoned (2007)

This was the first game that I professionally contributed to as a games developer. I remember reading the PlayStation 2 reference documents. It describes the PlayStation 2 developer boxes as “A Playstation on steriods”. Paraphrasing of course. The PlayStation 2 developer boxes were huge compared to the one that fit under the tele. I learnt a few things about variable constraints and font rendering. Always apply upper and lower bounds checking when incrementing or decrementing variables Pre-render lots of text to a texture instead of rendering every glyph Anyway, this game never got to see the light of day....

June 5, 2024 · Edward Addley

Various other games (2007 - 2012)

Footbal games My Football Club (PC) My Football Club, GoFC (PSP) This Is Football Manager (Zeus) Mobile games QuizQuizQuiz, QQQ Xmas, Quiz Plus (PC, iOS, Android, Mac?) Updates, ports, expansions and bug fixes. Tic Toc Body Pop (iOS, Android, PC) Achievements… International Cricket Captain 2011 (iOS, Mac) Once, I released this to the app store and it would crash immediately. Luckily I was able to fix the issue and have it released while out for lunch with the team....

June 5, 2024 · Edward Addley

Walking With Dinosaurs Patchi's Journey (2013)

I thought it was a good idea to create a state machine that read from an XML file. I’m not sure why but I believe I wanted a DSL that sequence the different types of scenes that occured. One of the first scenes revealed an egg hatching and the mother dinosaur peering into the egg. The camera was inside the egg looking somewhat up. I figured that a bloom effect would be great here as they do in the movies....

June 5, 2024 · Edward Addley

Munch's Odyssey

I think this was a port from the original Xbox. How it was architected was interesting; DLLs used as separate modules. This caused some issues as the DLLs automatically clears out static variables which wasn’t evident when reading the original source code. I remember implementing 3d audio positioning by creating a sound cone. It wasn’t a feature for the Playstation 3. A sound cone was needed so that the volume could decrease when it was around the player but not when it was in front....

Edward Addley

Table Football/Soccer (PS Vita)

Youtube Trailer

Edward Addley

Table Hockey (PS Vita)

Release Youtube

Edward Addley