Edward Addley, Senior iOS Developer


  • Specialising in iOS
  • Android experience
  • 15+ years professional programming experience
  • Certified Scrum Master (PSM1)
  • Games Developer background

About Me

I design and create mobile software; iOS apps, Android apps and multi-platform 2D/3D/AR games.

I am a polyglot multi-platform mobile software engineer specialising in iOS. I have over 15 years of programming experience working in gaming, broadcasting and financial industries.

I enjoy the creativity involved when designing and planning a new project and the satisfaction of knowing that people are using software I have contributed to.

While juggling work and family life, I like to work on my own programming projects to further my knowledge, design skills and to keep abreast of new technologies. I enjoy problem solving and discussing solutions with my peers and those that I mentor.

Work Experience

Senior iOS Developer Contractor / Senior Consultant


May 2024 - May 2024 Freelance

  • Implemented SwiftUI card components and validation
  • Created an iOS SDK utilising Card Tokenization APIs
  • Distributed SDK as a Cocoapod
  • Integrated Carthage support
  • Integrated SPN support

skoon / HeatGeek

September 2023 - April 2024 Contract

Analyzed the existing 3D data structure and workflow, pinpointing key contractual interfaces to optimize efficiency and minimize both processing time and overall disruption to on-going development.

  • Integrated RoomPlan v2 and RealityKit
  • Implemented 3D mesh generation algorithms and data structres (Computational Geometry)
  • General SwiftUI interface implementations


August 2022 - September 2023 Contract

Delivered a technical proposal that significantly improved mobile development efficiency and scalability. I effectively communicated with stakeholders, persuading them of the merits of taking a particular approach and making key technical decisions. Through clear presentations, I facilitated consensus among team members on the path forward. By influencing the right people and being willing to compromise when necessary, I ensured that our collective efforts were aligned towards achieving common goals.

  • Understanding Architectural documents and implemention
  • Architecting and implementing a source-to-source compiler
  • Presenting proposals and guiding the team
  • Swift and SwiftUI Code generation
  • Figma SDK research
  • Peer programming
  • Cross-team collaboration
  • Yellow belt in Secure Codewarrior - Mobile Security
  • Integrated and maintained a UI framework
  • Implementing and maintaining new iOS UI components building upon UIKit
  • Improving test coverage with snapshots and unit tests
  • Improving accessibility for all users


June 2022 - July 2022 Contract

Analyzed business needs, pinpointed crucial technologies, crafted a technical strategy, and executed its implementation. This led to attracting top talent, securing funding, and driving growth.

  • Created prototype iOS app; for in-house usage, demos, conferences and fund raising
  • ARKit
  • Apples RoomPlan API
  • SceneKit
  • SwiftUI


October 2021 - June 2022 Contract

Implemented an onboarding and setup screen within the Telenet app, enabling users to seamlessly connect their Plume Pod devices to their networks.

  • Advocated the use of Architectural Design Records (ADRs)
  • Implemented Dark Mode and design changes throughout the app
  • Improved app stability
  • Improved automated regression testing through the creation of snapshots
  • Delivered new features and demoed to client


July 2021 - October 2021 Contract

  • Repaired deep link navigation
  • Future proofed work by building automated user interface tests with XCUITest
  • Initiated pair programming with co-workers

Senior iOS Developer

AND Digital

July 2020 - July 2021 Permanent

Technically led a team of iOS developers, advocated best practices, coding guidelines and code reviews. Proposed architectural patterns and mobile security. Built up CI/CD Devlops pipelines.

  • Advocated the use of MASVS Security Guidelines for iOS and Android development on client and as part of a company wide initiative for mobile best practices
  • Built Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines using YAML and Fastlane
  • Architected greenfield project using MVVM + Coordinators
  • Incorporated new techologies; SwiftUI and Combine
  • Gave workshops and presentations on programming practices
  • Proposed coding styles and ways of workings
  • Instigated regular meetings between the iOS team
  • Reviewed the code and practices of clients and provided improvements technically and practically

iOS Developer Contractor / Senior Consultant


June 2020 - June 2020 Contract

  • Maintained custom Cordova plugin originally based on Braintree payment SDK
  • Minor changes to Vue UI
  • Added SSL pinning
  • Fixed security issues, reported from mobile penetration testing
  • Analysed app using Mobile Security Framework for security issues


May 2020 - June 2020 Contract

  • iOS bug fixes
  • Locally deployed .Net app and mssql database through Docker
  • Investigated locations of apps within servers on AWS
  • Investigated legacy PHP for database uses and data limitations
  • Brand specific prototype

The Stars Group

November 2019 - April 2020 Contract

  • Architected a greenfield native iOS project using RxSwift and MVVM as a conversion from a hybrid app to native
  • Lead a team to define the initial working practices and principals
  • Mentored team members on principals and practices
  • Mentored team members on XCUITest for automated user interface testing
  • Researched into websocket integrations within a mobile app
  • Implemented mock up user interface designs using UIKit, Autolayout etc.

Infinity Works

April 2019 - October 2019 Contract

Replatformed two free betting apps by migrating them from hybrid development to native iOS architecture. This involved a greenfield implementation of the codebase and moving towards Model-View-Presenter (MVP) principles with Coordinators playing a key role in managing app logic and user interactions.

  • Re-written two App Store apps in Swift from scratch (soon to be released)
  • Mixture of mobile architectures such as coordinator and MVP
  • Extensive usage of UIKit
  • Experimented with a Redux architecture with RxSwift
  • Analysis, elaboration and implementation documented with JIRA
  • Continuous Integration using Circle CI and Fastlane
  • Participated in Peer Reviews of code and knowledge sharing

Provident Financial Group

January 2019 - March 2019 Contract

  • Fixed issues with CoreLocation and CoreData
  • Managed tasks using Azure Dev Ops (Visual Studios Teams)
  • Enhanced legacy Objective-C Apps
  • Enhanced Appium automated tests by implementing accessibility identifiers in MapKit and custom UIViews
  • AppCenter iOS build and UI test automation setup

Skignz Ltd

April 2018 - December 2018 Contract

Re-platformed the Skignz app to leverage modern technologies and a more streamlined architecture

  • Implemented a new project with a Clean architecture, Cocoapods and Git Flow
  • Experimented with Augmented Reality using ARKit
  • Rendered 2D and 3D objects using SpriteKit and SceneKit
  • Positioned objects in the real world using CoreLocation and real world transformations
  • User Interface development, JSON schema creation, Image Generation

Brass Agency Ltd

January 2018 - June 2018 Contract

  • Synchronised backend API response models with persistent Core-Data models
  • Defined JSON request and response models with backend API
  • Implemented Local & Push Notifications
  • Leveraged Auto Layout anchors and Safe Area guidelines (iPhone X) while implementing the UI
  • Implemented JWT authorisation
  • Moved the project towards Git Flow and Semantic Versioning
  • Deployed test IPAs through Fabric
  • Demo’ed versions of the App to the client and other stake holders
  • Implemented custom Applozic Messenger SDK
  • Modified Open Source framework to fit the needs of the project

Senior Android Developer

Pocketworks Mobile Ltd

August 2016 - January 2018 Permanent

As an experienced developer, I’ve had the opportunity to architect numerous applications, mentor junior colleagues, stay current on industry best practices, talk directly to clients, estimate workloads and remain actively involved in coding.

  • Multiple IoT projects based around interfacing with Bluetooth Low Energy (iOS/Android) and Ultra Low Energy tech (Pi, Beagle Bone, macOS and Windows)
  • Lead the way in terms of software craftsmanship, advocated best practices
  • On site client support and trouble shooting
  • Mentored junior developers, organised development and retrospective meetings
  • Created a 3D stereo plugin for an Open Source Medical imaging software using Cocoa and Objective-C
  • Encouraged and implemented MVVM and MVP patterns over MVC as well as ReactiveX (RxSwift)
  • Varied opportunities for working on iOS, Mac, Linux and Android platforms
  • macOS Swift command line app that managed BLE devices and acted as an IOT Gateway. Sent and received data from a RESTful service.

iOS Developer

Stroma Certification Ltd

February 2015 - May 2016, 1 year and 3 months Permanent

  • Added features to a vector based iOS drawing module for their larger applications
  • Researched and implemented computational geometric algorithms for interacting with irregular shaped geometry
  • Implemented custom drawing code using CoreGraphics through layers and views
  • Created Unit Tests for validating the app behaviour and algorithms
  • Advised and mentored members of the team on architecture and optimisations
  • Worked with CoreData and SQLite databases
  • Interfaced with a backend SOAP service

Unity Developer Contractor

n2o Ltd

February 2015, 2 weeks Contract

Android Developer Contractor

Wadaro Ltd

October 2014 - November 2014, 1 month Contract

Calrec Audio Ltd

December 2013 – September 2014, 9 months Contract


AddHop Ltd

December 2013 to present Permanent

Mobile Software Engineer

Mindshapes Ltd

June 2013 – December 2013, 6 months Permanent

Games Programmer

Four Door Lemon Ltd

2007 - 2013, 6 years Permanent

Skills & Technical Knowledge

I have developed many skills, which include, but are not limited to; time management, communication, problem solving and design.

  • Software – Xcode, Android Studios, JIRA, Confluence, Jenkins, TFS, GIT, SVN, Appcode, IntelliJ, Unity, CMake, InVision, Figma, CLion, ScratchJr
  • Languages – Swift, C/C++, Obj-C/C++, Java, Kotlin, GLSL, Javascript, Dart, Python, C#
  • Frameworks – OpenGL ES, WebGL, RxSwift, UIKit, CoreData, CoreLocation, ARKit, SceneKit, SpriteKit, SwiftUI, Flutter, AWS Amplify
  • Mobile/Desktop Platforms – Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, macOS, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, AWS, Oculus Quest


University Of Huddersfield

  • BSC Computer Games Programming, 2005 – 2009
  • BTEC HND Software Engineering, 2004 – 2005


  • Martial Arts – Lau gar, Taiji, Bagua, Wing Chun (Black sash)
  • Guitar – Metal, Classical - Self-taught
  • Programming - I am always working on something